Daytime vs Nighttime Office Cleaning

Modern Office Cleaning

Modern day office cleaning and janitorial services evolved from a young man’s entrepreneurial endeavors, offering cleaning services to local businesses after school and at night. The industry evolved around this model because it made sense. Recently however, this paradigm has shifted. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of both day and evening […]

Space Organizing for the Office

Efficiency experts cite a lack of office space organization as the leading cause of lost productivity in the United States. A disorganized office may cause a business to lose valuable hours searching for files and missing correspondence. Disorganization also diverts employees’ attention away from important tasks and the business’s goals. As a result, customers may […]

Cleaning Office Window Coverings

Cleaning Office Window Coverings

Whether in the home or the office, window coverings are one of those items that we tend to overlook when it’s time for cleaning. Consequently, they can become a significant cleaning problem if let go long enough, not only looking bad but spreading dust and germs throughout the office each time they are opened or […]

Office Kitchen Cleaning Tips

Office Kitchen

The average office kitchen inspires more controversy and conflict among employees than almost any other work-related topic. It’s a long-standing tradition that someone makes a big mess in the office kitchen – at least once a week – and scurries away without cleaning it up. Forgotten lunches languish in the refrigerator, becoming creepy science experiments. […]

Office Furniture and Upholstery Cleaning

Office Furniture

The furniture in your business works for many hours each week as you and your employees do. And while you get a daily cleaning, your office upholstery probably does not. Dirty upholstery in the office can shorten the life of your furniture, not to mention present a poor image for your customers. If they are […]

Commercial vs. Residential Cleaning Products

Cleaning Products

Cleaning supplies are cleaning supplies, right? Wrong! When it comes to cleaning your business, there’s a big difference between commercial or professional cleaning supplies and those approved for use in the home. It may seem like Grand Central Station at your house sometimes, but the amount of dirt and germs in residential settings pales in […]

Keeping Office Equipment Clean

Cleaning Your Office Equipment

Office equipment takes a beating. Multiple users and office traffic cause dust and grime to accumulate quickly. Keeping equipment clean will keep it working well, reduce maintenance costs and downtime, and extend its life. Just a few minutes each week will make a big difference with these delicate electronics. Cleaning Power Strips, Surge Suppressors, Electrical […]

Commercial Cleaning Challenges: Inks, Markers, and Toner

Commercial Cleaning Challenges

Very few things cause panic and chaos in the office like a big, ugly ink stain. Unfortunately, pens, markers, and toners are ubiquitous in the business setting. If you catch it quickly and know a few tricks, ink, toner, and marker stain removal can be quick and easy. Washable or Water-Based Ink Stains For stains […]

Dry Cleaning vs. Steam Cleaning for the Office

Steam vs. Dry Cleaning

Business owners and managers have their own areas of expertise, and knowing all things about office carpet cleaning should not have to be one of them. Still it will assist you in making informed decisions about your office maintenance and care if you understand a few basic facts about the difference between dry carpet cleaning […]

Top Office Cleaning Tips and Tricks

10 Office Cleaning Tips

Your business keeps you busy. High among the list of things you don’t have time for office cleaning. These easy cleaning tips are sure to give you back at least a little time in your schedule every week! Professional Cleaning Tips for Your Office Equipment Among the best cleaning tips and tricks were ideal for […]