Did you know that business cleaning services can actually improve your company’s bottom line? Efficiency experts have determined that having a clean and well-organized office can actually improve employee focus and creativity, allowing workers to be more productive. When your staff isn’t forced to clean a layer of dust and grime off of their work tools or search through piles of clutter to find the file they need, they feel better about their work (and their employer!) and get more work done each day. Your office cleaning company is a big part of the picture, but you can also take some steps in-house to help improve your business’ efficiency.
Start with Organization
You and your employees are already busy enough, so why waste time searching for the tools you need to do your job? An hour spent in pursuit of a missing file or the digital recorder you need for tomorrow’s conference come directly off the bottom line. Over time, however, even the most organized office gradually becomes cluttered. Equipment is misplaced and documents are misfiled.
Consider dedicating one day per quarter to a full-scale organization effort. Assign someone to create an inventory and location map for equipment and other important tools of the trade. Aggressively purge clutter and unnecessary items so they don’t distract your staff in the future. If you absolutely can’t spare the time, engage the services of an organizational consultant to get you started.
Keep Cleaning Essentials in Stock
You never know when a messy disaster may strike during the day, such as broken glass, spilled food or coffee, or worse. For just such an emergency, dedicate a cabinet or storage area to cleaning supplies. You won’t need much to get you by. Glass cleaner, dusting wipes, a battery-operated or rechargeable hand vac, a broom and dustpan should be all you need. If you want to be even more proactive, add a can of aerosol carpet and upholstery spotter, air freshener, kitchen and restroom sanitizer and some extra trash bags. Don’t forget the paper towels or disposable wipes, and you’ll be prepared for any cleaning emergency.
Help Your Staff Improve Efficiency
A well-organized office can help employees become more efficient, but they need to buy into the effort on an individual basis to truly make a difference. Provide desk organizers, storage bins and cabinets to help them pare down their workspace. Encourage them to limit the number of items on their desks, and to put away anything they aren’t currently working on. This helps them focus on the task at hand, rather than rooting through a pile of unrelated paperwork and office supplies. If some staff members are resistant, bring your organizational consultant in for a little one-on-one time. The investment will be worthwhile in exchange for the efficiency you’ll gain.
Town and Country Office Cleaning understands the many challenges that business owners and facility managers face on a daily basis. They specialize in finding ways to help you improve your environment, so you can find ways to grow your business. Contact them today for a quote on organization and business cleaning services.